Tuesday, March 14, 2006

you’re not the kind that needs to tell me about the birds and the bees.

Hello lovers and friends. Thanks for all the feedback on the last post. (Right you are Casey, you aren't lame, just disapear'd. Come back to us!)

Anyway, there was a going away/almost arts & crafts jam on Thursday. Who was going away you might ask? Well-the supremely lovely, kind and generous siutemates of one 510 South. (3rd North, yo!)

Here is the socio-photojournalistic evidence. (My new title btw, socio-photojournalist/editor. Holla.)

Amy Grant is X-ed:

"..and this is Brian"



"What's he doing?"

"Oh that? ...he takes pictures"


*akward silence*


Happy Birthday, Elena. Yaaaaaaaay!

1 comment:

button and zip said...

i love how there is not any sign of artsy crafting haha