Monday, March 13, 2006

i'm looking for a face to attack.

I forgot that I never did put up the pictures of the night before the birthday jam. You know, the first post ever on here.

That night was fun, Ted + Garrett broke up though. Ah, the art world will never be the same.

Hot Chip broke my kneecap during "Down With Prince":

Ted + Garrett went through thier Christmas time/emo photo phase. If they had to spell it it would probably go something like x Christmas-is-lonely x

No matter what he says, Bob is a drunk.

Contrary to popular belief, they are most certainly not a happy family.

Blogger & Youtube teamed up to be one, united unshakeable asshole. So, instead of embedded video, you get a link. Sorry.


Elena found it all a bore. She's always emo.

Oh shit! You know who look like each other?

In the name of Terrrrrrrrrraaaan, nigga!

OK, not that Casey is hyper or anything, but...what the fuck is everybody in tableu, Stella style?

The night would not be complete, of course, without Jinlu fucking making everybody uncomfortable. As only she knows how to. Darts! (I fucking heart this picture though.)

Off to DI to recover (a.k.a. get away from the Red & Black eXpress.)


The Thursday jam should be up by Wednesday. Maybe.

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