Monday, December 19, 2005

foozeball is lame.

OK, since we're all tired of the party pictures, lets look at some more bad photography from yours truly. This is a mixed batch, NYU dorm stuff along with some set pictures from the filming of Ted's soon-to-be released classic Break Club.

So last Saturday (12.11.05) there was an intimate gathering at Elena's.

Ian and Jake were there, they were fighting for Elena's care package. (There was a lot of good shit in there, so it was understandable.)

Jake won the hot item of the night:Twizzlers.

Jake's friend from Washington came to visit. His name is Jason, and his 'stache is beautiful. He and Ian looks like real bros. Not, like GS bros, but same mom bros. Elena and Bob were there (as Elena should have been since it's her place.)

Elena was able to retrieve a Jolly Rancher, but she didn't seem satisfied.

Bob was a drunken douche (as usual.) That Smirnoff really gets him going some nights.

Celine was there too. She's rad. She's Elena's suitemate. Oh, how exotic its sounds; suitemate.

After a long day in the city with the Bert & Ernie, Jason was pretty tired. All that alcohol didn't help either. So he did what we have all done at one point or another, sleep on Hell-lena's floor.

Andrew was there too. He's also a beard enthusiast.

Elena admired Andrew's beard, from a court-mandated distance.

Ian just kept drinking...

..And wearing the shit out of Grandma's leather pants. She would be proud. (Notice how the jacket, pants and bag are all cohesive. Intense.)

Then the boys decided to pack up and bounce.

Later bros!

Anyway, once the punks were gone, more drinking was done. Mostly by Elena. *cough*LUSH*cough*

Monet showed up too, she was tired as well. Sleep deprivation seemed to be the night's theme.

Bob was too drunk to go home (a few blocks away no less) so he slept in Elena's bed. Yep, mere feet away from the "Black & Red eXpress." Kristin is a bastard when it comes to pictures, so this is the only evidence that she was also in attendance (albeit only very briefly) for the shindig.

Monet kept sleeping even though me & Elena were trying to keep her awake with us. Not rad Monet, not rad.

Then Monet woke up for a while and started confessing her deepest, darkest secrets. Wild shit that no one would ever expect from a theater major. Intensity ensued.

...while Elena just got wasted some more and took pictures of herself. She also came up with the creepy/rad/creepy pelvic move that shall forever be known as "Elena Pressure." Brain damaged still.

Then we all went to bed. Lame-O!

Next day was Break Club. Ted was directing, we were all in it, Elena even got to operate the camera a bit. Cassavetes style.

Derek looked ridiculous.

So did Graham, he had a pen 'stache.

Garrett was acting too, as the main character (Justice) no less.

Elena beat the boys at foozeball [sic?]

But alas, she (as usual) seemed conflicted about her win. Was it a step ahead for feminism or a step back in the dating game? We'll never know.

+More updating this week, old shit, new shit. All shit+

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