Sunday, May 07, 2006

spending warm summer days indoors.

Last week's dance extravaganza. There are a lot of pictures. There was a lot of fun so, it sort of equals out.

++With some more photgraphic contributions from Elena. Gracias, E-lame-ah.
Ted and Carmen took some of these too. Which? I have no idea. Too faded to remember.

A rush and a push and the land is ours:

Things started out innocently enough.

Alex was sort of formal when he arrived. Until he saw the bandanna and went all Rambo.

The bros and the brews.

Elena got a Polaroid camera and now she thinks that she's Terry Richardson. Not!

Graham, doing his best "Blue Steel."

Ted: "See that I'm rocking the Miller High Life"

Me: [snap photo, look at it] "Hey Ted, can we do that again? You aren't really making a true High Life worthy face."

Ted: "Really? Damn, let's try again, I'll do better."

Me: "Got it!"

Ben: "You fools."

Alex is thinking about following The Dead around the counrty this summer. Again.

Just in case you didn't know, Carmen's skirt: mad fluffy.

And in case you didn't know, Elena's hair: mad fluffy.


Lots of hair swinging action in this one. You would almost think that we were playing some Norwegian death metal or some shit.

But Grahamgrahamgraham just danced it all like it was Neil Diamond or Donovan or something. Fucking mod.

Bob was waaay into it. Eyes closed and everything. The kid was focused.

It must have been Sparks Black influenced.

Ted was not rocking any Sparks Black, so what in the fuck was his excuse?

Then came time for our version of the Soul Train line. Contrast and compare here.

Carmen did her version of krumping.

I did a little bounce, head wop (pause) combo.

Ted did some Kool Mo Dee looking 80's shit that I can't really describe. It was fairly dope though.

Elena did this fly deer in the headlights thing. Fresh indeed.

[Ed-note: But nobody got any photos of Ted and I doing the fucking Kid N Play dance! There were like, 18,000 camera's at the spot, and nobody caught that?!?! Dissapointment dance for you all.]

Shoes = worthless, apparently.

Poor Oliver.

Jesus Christ. Look at Graham. All of East London should be pissed right now.

Calgary, likewise.

I don't know, one minute, Asia was doing just fine, dancing and all...

...and then all of a sudden, by the next song, she's on the floor almost passed out.

Umm...yeah. I like Rolling Rock. So what? Fuck man, leave me be.

Ben did The Office dance again. No biggie. (He's decided that it's retired for a bit now. Understandably.)

Jeez Kristen, you had a camera, why didn't you get me and Ted doing the Kid N Play dance?
(OK, sorry about that. It's just that, you know, that shit was sort of goldie.)

Synchronized dancing?!?! Oh wow, the kids really were on their respective focus levels.

Bob was telling us about how he had to kidnap Melinda from the hospital. No big deal, he just went up and took her out.

This was the last picture of the night. By then, as you can tell, everybody was doing their own thing.


More soon. From the last days of our dearly departed (to Canadia, at least) friend/foe Christian.

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