Monday, April 24, 2006

back like cooked crack vol. 3: fiend out.

Wowzers! Long time no see.

Since the last post, Bob shot his movie, Ted got a ridics tattoo, and I've gotten thrashed. A lot.
Oh, Jake & the other actors graduated, too. Congrats.

So here goes the first in a semi-long line of new posts with pictures and shit.

Life is so brief, and time is a thief, when you're undecided:

I. Bob's film shoot.

(There should be way more photos from this, but I was too busy trying to learn my lines and not laugh at Ted's absurd improvs.)

II. Random night at Jose's.

(Pretty much just everyone finding out how they would look with my nerdy glasses.)


There's a lot more shit to post. Not as lame as this stuff. At least I don't think it is. Maybe it is, but whatevs.

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